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Reform Magazine | March 4, 2025

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Christian Activist: Show up - Reform Magazine

Christian Activist: Show up

Andy Flannagan urges believers to get political

“We are calling Christians participate in the political process”

No one seems to be certain who first coined the famous phrase: “Decisions are made by those who show up.” Its alleged authors range from President Truman to Woody Allen, and it was popularised by the TV show The West Wing.

But whoever first uttered the phrase, it is hard to argue with. Decisions are made not necessarily by the smartest, by the most qualified, those of best character, those who have gleaned some divine wisdom, but by those who simply show up. It is sobering, but perhaps also empowering: You don’t need outrageous gifting to show up, you just need a body.

The same is true throughout the stories of Scripture. Yes, at times God moves in miraculous ways, but, more frequently, he moves through unremarkable people who seem to be in the right place at the right time. The CVs of Gideon, Moses and Rahab were not exactly screaming out for their respective jobs, but they showed up.

This is why the Show Up campaign is calling Christians to be politically engaged in the 2015 general election and beyond. The campaign has managed something remarkable: More than 40 different church groups from across the theological and political spectrum have come together to call Christians to show up. We believe that politics is for life, not just for elections. Rather than relax in our usual atmosphere of critique and commentary, we are calling Christians to be participants in the political process. Instead of sending emails and postcards, you could become the people receiving them. Instead of asking questions at hustings, you could be answering them. In 2015, your vote might just be the start of your making important decisions rather than…

Andy Flannagan is director of Christians on the Left. For more information about the Show Up campaign, visit The Show Up video is published online here.


This is an extract from the April 2015 edition of Reform.

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