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Reform Magazine | March 4, 2025

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20 Questions – Pam Rhodes - Reform Magazine

20 Questions – Pam Rhodes

Pam Rhodes gives 20 answers

What is your favourite time of year?
Spring – I especially love daffodils, which seem so bright and brave in the wintry winds.

Where would you like your mortal remains to go?
Somewhere where daffodils grow.

When did you last pray?
I feel as if my life is a constant prayer of thanks and praise.

Why did you last pray?
I’m praying now that I give the best possible answers!

Pick three words to describe your faith.
Comforting, awe-inspiring, constant.

What is your favourite hymn?
I am a real anorak about hymns – I love them! I have so many favourites, but just about anything by Charles Wesley always moves me as he was such an inspirational wordsmith.

Do you dance?
Many moons ago, I danced professionally – and taught dancing in youth clubs for about ten years.

Are things getting better or worse?
For me, always better. For the world, I fear the way hatred, intolerance, selfishness seems to be invading every aspect of our lives.

What is your proudest achievement?
Seeing my son and daughter grow into worthy, wonderful and independent adults.

Which Old Testament character would you most like to meet?
Noah’s wife! I can just imagine her reaction when he suggested he should load all those animals on to a boat! I bet he wasn’t planning to man the dustpan and brush!

What is your karaoke choice?
It would be a hymn – something gloriously joyful that I’d want everyone to join in with, like “To God Be the Glory”.

Who was your childhood hero?
My mum. My dad died when I was quite young, and she brought up three children on her own. She never complained and worked constantly and lovingly to give us a wonderful childhood.

What is your favourite bit of the Bible?
Isaiah 49: 15: “I will not forget you. I have carved you on the palm of my hand.”

What is your least favourite bit of the Bible?
Those tongue-twisting lists of Hebrew names at the start of the Old Testament – a nightmare for a broadcaster!

What is the best thing in the zoo?
The cafe! I’m not keen on seeing animals in cages.

What would be your one question to God?
Why choose me for the hugely responsible job of presenting Songs of Praise when there are countless others who know so much more than me? Is it because you created me to be curious – longing to know answers to my own questions, and those of others?

Is there life after death?
The Lord is with me in life. I believe I will be with Him after death.

What is your most favoured charity?
Livability – the largest Christian disability charity in the UK.

What does church mean to you?
Home, honesty, presence.

What makes a good day?
I just love getting up in the mornings because every day is a blessing.


Pam Rhodes is a writer and broadcaster who has presented Songs of Praise since 1987


This article was published in the March 2016 edition of  Reform.

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  1. Mollie Baron

    My Husband and I attended several talks by Pam Rhodes on a recent cruise. We were entertained and inspired by her genuine faith and trust in God. What a warm and talented person she is, and so genuinely interested in the lives of others. She is an asset to any community and has the ability to communicate to a large audience or one on one. She is God’s person for our generation – if only people will listen to her.She can reach the hearts of people who will not listen to a church minister. She is fair dinkum.

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