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Reform Magazine | March 4, 2025

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Editorial: Let’s hear it for Reform’s distributors - Reform Magazine

steve_tomkins Our apologies to all readers who received their copy of Reform a week late last month – which is a lot of you. A truck broke down, causing Reform’s distribution team to miss the dispatch deadline, and though individual subscribers weren’t affected, all the multiple deliveries that get distributed in local churches were late. Sorry for the wait, and thank you for your patience. If you weren’t patient, then thank you for your enthusiasm.

Let me take this occasion though to say a huge thank you to our fantastic team of people who distribute Reform in local churches. There are 347 of you, collecting subscriptions, publicising the magazine, handing it out, signing up new subscribers and ensuring that Reform is part of church life. Your work is vital to the success of Reform and we appreciate it very much.

In fact, we would dearly love to have more Reform distributors in local churches. If you go to a church that doesn’t have a distributor – then it could be you! It’s not an arduous task, but it makes a difference. Our mission at Reform is to equip and inspire Christians to have an impact on the world, and our distributors help to engage their congregations in this.

Become a Reform distributor today. Contact the Reform office by email or phone, and we’ll send you our new distributor pack. Join in the work Reform is doing to refresh and challenge believers in their spiritual lives and to resource churches in their mission.


I’m reminded again and again as I visit local churches that Reform is lucky to have readers who so appreciate the magazine and so engage with it. Please also support it! And happy Easter! May the one who brings life out of death and transforms despair into victory, devastation into hope and shadow valleys into green pastures, who mends what cannot be mended be at work in you, and you at work for him.


This article was published in the April 2016 edition of  Reform.

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