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Reform Magazine | March 24, 2025

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A Hindu’s Jesus - Reform Magazine

A Hindu’s Jesus

In the fourth of this series hearing insights into Jesus from people of other faiths, Ramesh Pattni brings a Hindu perspective to the Gospels

The Hindu view of Jesus is a complex one. Hinduism has a spectrum of hermeneutic frames within which Jesus is understood – a hermeneutic frame being the way in which one interprets reality and what is contained in the world of names and forms, thoughts, feelings and sensations. The six classical orthodox schools of thought in Hinduism have their own interpretations of Reality, God, the universe and the place of the individual in the cosmos. Remember that there are different views about Jesus Christ in Christianity itself, such as the tension between ‘the historical Jesus’ and ‘the Christ of faith’.

There are also historical influences on how Jesus may be seen through Hindu eyes. These include both missionary activities in India from the earliest days of Christianity and reinterpretations of Jesus by Hindu missionaries in the west. Examples of the latter are Paramhansa Yogananada, Swami Vivekananda and Swami Akhilananda. Coming to the US in the late 1920s, Akhilananda wrote a book, Hindu view of Christ (Branden Books, 1949) which gives perspectives on Christ as an incarnation, a Yogi and as an Oriental.

Two of the main ideas in connection with Christ in Hinduism are incarnation and ideal. I will examine some of these views from different Hindu teachers, scholars and commentators who have looked at Jesus through their own framework of knowledge, wisdom and experience.

First, Christ as incarnation. Many Hindu religious and political leaders such as Gandhi and Radhakrishnan looked at Christ, not in a historical context, but as an incarnation (avatāra) of divine origin, accepting him as ‘a highly evolved spiritual being, transcending any particularity of time, place or context, providing a message and example of universal relevance’. This view could be highly problematic for Christians, for whom the particular time and place of Jesus’ life of context is absolutely central …

Dr Ramesh Pattni is a former chair of the interfaith committee of the Hindu Forum of Britain and former co-chair of the Hindu Christian Forum. He is a trustee of the Faith Based Regeneration Network and a Director of the Council of Dharmic Faiths UK


This is an extract from the October 2016 edition of Reform.

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  1. Am not sure if you are trying to equate that Jesus = Lord Vishnu. The answer is simple NO. Did he start from being a Fish and then go up the ladder?

    And if Joseph was his father, why was his mother called Virgin? How can a person who cannot save himself will save others?

    • Celina

      Joseph was not Jesus’ father. Jesus’s mother was called a Virgin because she was a virgin when God made her pregnant with his son. Jesus’s father is God, but at the same time Jesus is God. It is hard to connect with a spiritual being or even understand God. And God knew this, so he came down from Heaven as Jesus, a human like us. So that we would find it easier to connect with him.

      Jesus could have saved himself but if he had, then we would not have been saved. Through Jesus’ death, all our wrong doings have been forgiven. Because before, people would make sacrifices whenever they did something wrong. But Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice for us. And Jesus came back to life.

      • karn

        A book that shares the experiences Jesus had in India (Bharata) and Tibet during his childhood and youth years. The book shares lift on how vatican removed this period of Jesus life from the Bible. Pls share with those who want to read.

        Read the summary here before reading the book.

        there are numerous examples to prove that both the Christianity and islam are copied and misinterpreted from Hinduism. There are too many examples to prove it. For example, U can read the research books on this by Theosophical society, USA like “who is Jesus”, “Sons of God” etc. Krishna is written in classical English as Chrishna. CHRISTNA was cow herder, Jesus was sheep herder. Christna and Lord Vittoba (one form of praying lord Chrishna in Vidarbha region and beyond) ended his mortal body he was pinned to wood (dead tree) and if u see Jesus’s image few centuries back, it used to be exactly like Lord Vittobha (Christna). Infact, name is also same. Christna became christ as per their language and it’s pronounciations. Infact story of Christ was born / created exactly after the time period of Vishnavism was spread to western world which the preachers of vishnavism have preached in a slightly customised way to suit the local conditions in west hence cow herder became sheep herder. There are too many examples to prove it. Israel’s DNA race is same as DNA race one tribe in Kashmir who look similar to Israelis. Church has always been deceiving people to run their business. Infact birth of church itself was done by king to invent a religion so that masses can be controlled and driven in one common direction by fear of God. Fear of god is central pillar to Christianity and islam but not central to Hinduism. Inserted by the king who made up this Christianity. Their own research in west proves it but church is powerful enough silence all such voices. One need to read and introspect for oneself instead of rebutting in anger.

        Islam is born purely out of many sects of Shaivism. Clearly. Look all the practices they do at Kaba. Infact their complex and specific way to do pradikshana (go round the kaba) is 100% same as what shaivism used to practice (and still does) and well recorded in too many Puranas like Shiva purana. I am just mentioning small samples from overwhelming number of proofs to prove that islam is born out of Hinduism clearly but exploited by powerful few in a radical way. Infact the veera shaiva once did take violent turn and then was refined by Shree Shree Shree Aadishankara acharya. But no one refined islam but some ppl made it more radical with their misunderstandings and made up book. Father of the prophet muhammad had written stanzas, prayers on Lord Shiva and earlier paintings of kaba before it was built the way we see it today, it was a shiva linga.

        • Mike D

          I took this statement to heart…”One needs to read and introspect for oneself instead of rebutting in anger.”

          I have to admit your post is actually very upsetting. The idea that someone would call Christianity “a made-up story of a king.” Anger aside, and with love, I share this with you…

          #1-The Hebrew word Mashiach “anointed with oil,” is the exact same concept as the Greek word Cristo (which also means anointed with oil), which is where we get the name, Christ. ( Cristo in Greek is translated into Christ in English). The Messiah or ‘Mashiach’ was talked about/written long before the time that Vishnavism was spread to the western world.

          #2-Jesus was not a real Shepherd rather a Shepherd in the metaphorical sense.

          #3-Crucifixion began in the 6th Century BC. There were thousands of people nailed to dead trees throughout the Middle East and beyond and apparently as well as in India. Christ was considered an enemy of the Romans, and a form of punishment was crucifixion. So, highly unlikely this was derived from the story of Christna and Lord Vitto.

          Jesus’ mortal body was nailed to the cross (as not completely uncommon in Rome at this time), and you forget the most important part of the story of Christ’s crucifixion…His body was resurrected into heaven, where he reigns eternally. So, I don’t know if you would exactly call this mortality or a “mortal” body.

          #4-Where Jesus spent his time from the age of 12 to 30 is not exactly clear. Most commonly, it’s believed that he was in Galilee, although those years are not really discussed in the Bible. It is a bit of a mystery.
          According to the book you referenced and the summary from the BBC… A man named Jesus, born in Israel in the first century, went to India… and you guys presumed that this was the Jesus Christ of the bible? First of all, the name Jesus was just an ordinary Jewish name, about as common in Judea as John is common to us.
          And, I presume some people traveled from Israel to India in the first century, some of whom may have been named Jesus.

          Regarding the three wise men:
          People and religions all across the globe use the Stars to navigate.
          Cultures across the globe have this concept of omens.
          So perhaps, Wisemen, omens, and stars are not unique to Christianity.
          And if he was sought by the Buddhists, as Buddhist tradition, then why did he not arrive in India shortly after his birth instead of the age 13.

          Here’s what gets me about this claim, summarized in the article by the BBC… God In the Flesh did not need to learn from the likes of men.
          That’s not to say that Buddhas are not holy men, worthy of respect, and divinely-inspired—only that ‘man’ does not teach God.

          And lastly, just because there are genetic similarities between the Israelites and the Kashmir tribes? There are similarities in many different cultures (even with genetic variants) around the world… similarities in architecture, language, philosophy, fashion, tools Etc, and even methods of execution!

          Before you denounce an entire world religion, perhaps you should take some time to introspect and read for yourself.

          I recognize Hinduism as an ancient and original religion. However, this idea that Christianity came from Hinduism or is just fake is a bold one.
          In all sincerity,
          I would be interested to learn if there are similar stories about a God incarnate? Are there any more notable references in Hinduism that draw a substantial similarity between Hindu characters or gods and the Jesus Christ of the Bible?

        • Joan c

          Jesus was not a sheep herder; he was a carpenter. In the Old Testament there is the history of Israel and the many times they adopted religious practices of surrounding nations which their God had forbidden.
          The Jewish Pharisees were angry about who Jesus said he was. He made it very clear to them and others that he believed he was the “I Am.” When Jesus asked for which of his deeds did they want to kill him they replied it was not for any of his deeds but because he blasphemed making himself God.

      • luka

        It was not so that we would fi d it easier to connect but so that we could have forgivness

      • Before come Jesus into the world, all the people of the world were full of sins, IN OT if people commit sins, they sacrifice animals for forgiveness of sins, but now Jesus sacrificed for our sins,
        In Genecies ,1:26 said “Let us create a man like us, with whom God is talking? Father, SON, and Holi Spirit , John ,1:1; IN the beginning was a word,
        And the word was with God,
        And the word was God,

        Explanation::. Jesus came to the world as an human being, like us, not as a God, to preach the gospel and to sacrifice himself for our sins,HE has taken away our sins on the cross and has forgiven all our sins by the blood of Jesus,

    • Friend

      Jesus was conceived by The Holy Spirit of God, God being Jesus’s Father as He is all of ours who believe in Him. Therefore Mary was made pregnant with Jesus by The Holy Spirit not by a regular man, who would be Joseph; that way all glory and recognition goes back to God Almighty for the Glory of His Name’s sake. Mary was made pregnant by The Power of God through The Holy Spirit not by sperm or male seed as is the natural way of birth. Therefore Jesus is unfeutablly the only begotten Son of God because He was born of Spirit not of flesh and sperm but because He was bore by a woman, He came in the likeness of flesh as we are all born of a woman. The most important thing is who His Father is and that is God and God only. Not Joseph or any other mortal man.

    • Ed

      Please do a bit more investigation into the biblical story. Perhaps google might help, for starters.

    • Hari Krishna Yadav

      Annoop R,
      First your question is out of arrogant. Tru sanatani doesn’t doubt any religion.. we have different paths to reach ultimate. Jesus never said he is a God but said Son of God. Hence GOD could be Lord Vishnu,Shiva.

    • Sarah Joe

      Hi umm India has no compassion, respect, admonition, admiration, acceptance, love, or dignity for Lord Jesus I know because I’m representing him as we you are reading this message I’m one of his peoples rather with the sacred heart shhhhhhh yup a rightouse dude please don’t not beleive me if you could insure they are punished over Jews Thankyou uptmostedly sending you some of my powers to do soo with bye…..

  2. MikelB

    Read the Gospels in the bible. All your answers are in there. Mary was a virgin, a descendant from king David, in fact, so was Joseph. Mary was pregnant before Jospeh was made her husband. Jesus saved the world. He resurrected from the grave to show that he is God. I agree, Jesus is not Lord Vishnu. Jesus is not an avatar, or has 4 arms, he is a man and the only man righteous enough to be called God. He is the only teacher and who we should follow.

    • SumitG

      Krishna had 2 arms. Ram had 2 arms. Both were the incarnations of Vishnu.

      Both were born as humans.

      I would recommend not mentioning Hindu avatars or gods when stating that Jesus is the only man righteous enough to be called God.

      You don’t need to mock other faiths to solidify your claims.

      We believe Jesus was a great man or even God still. We believe Krishna and Ram were great men and Gods at the same time.

      Please be respectful towards other faiths.

  3. Greg Dahlen

    Perhaps Jesus was the greatest spiritual teacher.

  4. I have shown that Jesus had preached 100% Hinduism after studying both, Hinduism & Buddhism to absolute perfection. It was Jesus who took Chrisn’s nativity details to Palestine as a result of which celebration of Christmas began. Chrisn-astami, the Birthday of Lord Chrisn of India when spelt & pronounced as Christ-astamas becomes Christmas on merging the two “sta”s. The Reader shall come to know over two dozen things in my book he never knew before.I have published my Paperback “JESUS MYSTERY SOLVED” on the Kindle Direct Publishing.

  5. Rajesh

    7 simple question to Christians, let us see if you can answer
    1. Three wise men came following a star during the birth of Jesus brought gifts for him, Is this a christian practice or a Buddhist practice. If this is a Buddhist practice then is Jesus Buddhist of christian.
    2. the 3 wise men following a star to visit the birth of a great soul is only a buddhist custom which is done for all lamas. This also happened in exact same way during the birth of Dalai Lama, so then is Dalai lama christian or is he Buddhist.
    3. Why Vatican required changes from Vatican 1 to Vatican 2 , why sister Angelica who have made statements about Jesus being taught religion by Buddhists, got a lot of likes.
    4, Why is the childhood of Christ removed from Bible, from age 12 years to gae 30 years he was in India in gurukuls studying sanatan dharma and Buddhism but there is nothing mentioned about Jesus in the bible between 12 and 30 years.
    5. If Jesus is son of God, then who is god himself, why the son of god so relevant, even more then god. Did Jesus ever say to worship him.
    6. Joshua project so active in India this shows abhramic religions are supremacist
    7. just few months ago Dr. Natasha Kaul funded a Saad Foundation in UK was allowed in USA congress to abuse hindus belittle them, why does christian parliaments allow islamist supporters to attack hindus in their parliament. Is this strategy to put down hindus. Why is christian countries giving refuge to our khalistanis, why are the naxalites getting guns manufactured by europeans, westerners. Who is selling these guns to them, if they are not manufactured in India.

    • Moreno Cosicol

      Hi Rajesh,

      This is my answer for your question #1
      If you believed the 3 wise men we’re budhis or Hindi I don’t care what you may believed about them. But it doesn’t mean that Jesus is also belong to Hindusm or budhism religion.
      His earthly father Josepht and Mary is a Jew, so, technically Jesus Christ was born in Judaism religion.
      And take this note; Christian is a religion who believes on Jesus Diety, that He is an incarnate God, crucified and died on cross for the forgiveness of our sins, resurected on the third day to give us eternal life, ascended to heaven and seated on right side of throne, and then come back in the last days/judgenment day to raised the dead and give judgment of the living and the dead.

  6. karn

    A book that shares the experiences Jesus had in India (Bharata) and Tibet during his childhood and youth years. The book shares lift on how vatican removed this period of Jesus life from the Bible. Pls share with those who want to read.

    Read the summary here before reading the book.

  7. vidyasagar

    There are numerous examples to prove that both the Christianity and islam are copied and misinterpreted from Hinduism. There are too many examples to prove it. For example, U can read the research books on this by Theosophical society, USA like “who is Jesus”, “Sons of God” etc. Krishna is written in classical English as Chrishna. CHRISTNA was cow herder, Jesus was sheep herder. Christna and Lord Vittoba (one form of praying lord Chrishna in Vidarbha region and beyond) ended his mortal body he was pinned to wood (dead tree) and if u see Jesus’s image few centuries back, it used to be exactly like Lord Vittobha (Christna). Infact, name is also same. Christna became christ as per their language and it’s pronounciations. Infact story of Christ was born / created exactly after the time period of Vishnavism was spread to western world which the preachers of vishnavism have preached in a slightly customised way to suit the local conditions in west hence cow herder became sheep herder. There are too many examples to prove it. Israel’s DNA race is same as DNA race one tribe in Kashmir who look similar to Israelis. Church has always been deceiving people to run their business. Infact birth of church itself was done by king to invent a religion so that masses can be controlled and driven in one common direction by fear of God. Fear of god is central pillar to Christianity and islam but not central to Hinduism. Inserted by the king who made up this Christianity. Their own research in west proves it but church is powerful enough silence all such voices. One need to read and introspect for oneself instead of rebutting in anger.

    Islam is born purely out of many sects of Shaivism. Clearly. Look all the practices they do at Kaba. Infact their complex and specific way to do pradikshana (go round the kaba) is 100% same as what shaivism used to practice (and still does) and well recorded in too many Puranas like Shiva purana. I am just mentioning small samples from overwhelming number of proofs to prove that islam is born out of Hinduism clearly but exploited by powerful few in a radical way. Infact the veera shaiva once did take violent turn and then was refined by Shree Shree Shree Aadishankara acharya. But no one refined islam but some ppl made it more radical with their misunderstandings and made up book. Father of the prophet muhammad had written stanzas, prayers on Lord Shiva and earlier paintings of kaba before it was built the way we see it today, it was a shiva linga.

  8. Sally

    Are you trying to say Jesus Christ is the son of Lord Vishnu?? Where was this written? He said no one goes to the Father except through me. hence there’s no connection between Jesus Christ and Lord Vishnu. Thank you.

  9. Sally

    Salvation is only one, which is found in Christ Jesus, my dears.

  10. Gary

    Never try to argue with a Christian, you cannot have a dialogue with them. It is they alone who have the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help them God. They believe they will sit in eternity staring at Jesus while the rest of us burn in hell. This is what they believe their “God of love” has decreed for all mankind, when in fact, they will reincarnate like the rest of us, until they find the Truth.

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