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Reform Magazine | February 13, 2025

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Fostering compassion - Reform Magazine

Fostering compassion

Churches can help some of the most vulnerable people in our society by supporting foster families, says Phil Green. Here are his suggestions

Jesus said: ‘Whoever welcomes a child in my name, welcomes me.’ This year, it is estimated that 35,000 children and young people will enter the care system in the UK. Each one is in need of a welcome – perhaps a bed for the night or a refuge for a while, or it may be that they need a home for good.

At the adoption and fostering charity Home for Good, we believe the Church is ideally placed to offer this welcome, as families within our congregations step forward to foster or adopt, opening their homes and hearts to care for some of the most vulnerable children and young people in our society. But this is only the beginning of a lifelong journey.

Children come into care for a wide variety of reasons, but all have suffered trauma and loss, and many have experienced abuse or neglect. This will understandably have an effect on every child. Some may struggle with trust, confidence or building appropriate relationships. Some may have health issues, developmental delays or additional needs. Some may not be able to cope with challenges and big emotions, and this will outwork in their behaviour.

For foster carers and adoptive parents to provide the consistent and therapeutic care that vulnerable children need takes dedication and sacrificial love, and, ideally, an understanding and committed support network. This is another thing the Church is perfectly placed to provide…

Phil Green is Chief Executive of Home for Good. For more information visit


This is an extract from an article that was published in the March 2018 edition of  Reform

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