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Reform Magazine | March 4, 2025

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Commitment-Phobe: Worship rota worries - Reform Magazine

Commitment-Phobe: Worship rota worries

The rota ruin: the worries of worship coordination

I had been complaining to God – as I had to you – about disorganisation, about not wanting worship leading to be a duty, and felt God say to me: ‘What would you like to do about it?’ So I decided to use my skills to help.

I know how to organise a rota. I know how to spend time emailing, calling and chasing people up. I am gifting my time to the curate and the vicar who are overwhelmed with admin. So now I am coordinating our church’s worship team.

I am trying to get a rota together for the summer to cover us until the first few weeks of September. I just sent out an availability check and weirdly, so many people seem to be unavailable. We are now reduced to one sound technician, as one is leaving the country and the other has started working at weekends. The only person available to set up microphones and check sound levels at my church also happens to be the one person who intimidates me (a story for another time). I am also working on some paid work projects myself and there is always the little task of looking after a small family.

By the time you are reading this I will have finished the rota and sent it out. Will my name appear in every slot during the summer? Will I alternate between leading sung worship and setting up the sound equipment for other worship leaders? Will I only get one Sunday off a month? I hope not. I hope I ask for help. I hope that people decide to give of their time. I hope that people see that leading worship isn’t something that one is innately gifted for – I am certainly not – and that it might be worth giving it a go. …

Commitment-Phobe moved on from atheism, toured churches and tried God. Now, as a Christian, her journey continues


This is an extract from an article that was published in the July/August 2018 edition of  Reform

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