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Reform Magazine | July 18, 2024

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Reverse Advent Calendar 2020: Day 15 - Reform Magazine

Reverse Advent Calendar 2020: Day 15


‘As a mother, I feel very bad,’ says Alaya (pictured). ‘My child is crying, she wants food, but I don’t have food… I feel very sad.’ Alaya’s children go hungry 11 months of the year. Changing weather patterns, flooding, droughts and difficulties caused by the pandemic mean 2.6 million Malawians are facing hunger and in some cases even death from starvation. Tearfund’s local partner is training families like Alaya’s in Malawi, and saving lives.  Your gift of £37 could empower 28 households to feed their families and lift themselves out of poverty through training in new farming skills. 

To support the work of Tearfund, click here

Join the Reform Reverse Advent and Christmas Calendar! Every day throughout Advent, until the twelfth day of Christmas, enjoy a seasonal treat and put aside a pound. Then, when the season of good will is done, you’ll have £38 to give to people who are doing great work.

Click here to read about more charities on our Reverse Advent and Christmas Calendar

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