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Reform Magazine | July 18, 2024

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Reverse Advent Calendar 2020: Day 22 - Reform Magazine

Reverse Advent Calendar 2020: Day 22


The pandemic’s global impact has many of us facing the same storm – but not in the same boat. Individuals and communities who regularly face discrimination, imprisonment or violence because of their faith are still being targeted during this crisis. For example, in Pakistan, Christian and Hindu communities have been discriminated against and denied food aid, with reports of over 100 Christian families being excluded from assistance in one incident alone. Your gift of £38 will help CSW’s advocacy teams in their work monitoring and challenging authoritarian governments who continue to target vulnerable faith communities during this crisis and beyond. 

To give to CSW, click here

Join the Reform Reverse Advent and Christmas Calendar! Every day throughout Advent, until the twelfth day of Christmas, enjoy a seasonal treat and put aside a pound. Then, when the season of good will is done, you’ll have £38 to give to people who are doing great work.

Click here to read about more charities on our Reverse Advent and Christmas Calendar

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