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Reform Magazine | July 15, 2024

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Commitment-Phobe: Is work my church? - Reform Magazine

Commitment-Phobe: Is work my church?

Is work my church?

I have the privilege of working for an entirely Christian organisation. We still work from home, gathering regularly on Zoom for prayer.

My family recently experienced a crisis and for once we asked for prayers from our church and we were mentioned in a prayer during the service. The church prayer group prayed over us and our situation. We were aware of this and felt grateful for it.

During our crisis, my boss made prayer requests for us to the organisation and checked in with me every day to see how we were doing. Flowers were sent from my work. My husband’s work didn’t too badly either; they sent presents!

As soon as we could, we were back in church. There is nothing like a crisis to remind you to put God first and make sure you take the time out for worship. It was great to see people and for the first time in a long time worries about the pandemic were overshadowed by our need to connect.

My work recently held a two-years-in-the-waiting away day. There were people there who I have only met virtually but I felt like I had known my whole life. We gave each other bear hugs. A colleague I haven’t seen in two years hugged me and didn’t let go until I started to cry. I couldn’t help but be struck by the complete difference between my physically formal church family and my work family…

Commitment-Phobe is a Christian


This is an extract from an article published in the November 2021 edition of Reform

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