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Reform Magazine | February 27, 2025

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Reform’s giving guide - Reform Magazine

Reform’s giving guide

All of us at Reform hope you will experience much goodness and joy in your Christmas celebrations this year. But you, like us, will be acutely aware of the difficulties so many are facing as financial and worldwide pressures impact us all. Giving to others however much or little we can is our Christmas privilege, so we’ve asked six charities who are all doing amazing work to suggest how we can include them in our celebrations.

Why not join one of them in celebrating a giving Christmas?

Aid in a time of war

TEECH, Telecoms Eastern European Challenge, improves the most basic of facilities in Moldova, the poorest country in Eastern Europe. This year, Moldova has also seen an influx of displaced people from the war in Ukraine. Hygiene standards are low, with outdoor, long drop style toilets the standard for schools. TEECH volunteers regularly build modern toilets in schools, with hot and cold running water, hygienic conditions and privacy in the form of cubicles.

In 2022 TEECH also supported Ukrainians residing in Moldova, providing some of the necessities they need: toiletries, nappies, clothing and food. Its upcoming Christmas trip will deliver shoebox gifts to Moldovan and Ukrainian children, along with food for families.

Find out more at, and donate via Wonderful Payments:


Getting down to basics
The Trussell Trust

The support of churches will be vital for ensuring food banks can meet the challenges this winter will bring. If you choose to donate to the Trussell Trust, your donation will provide grants to food banks responding to the cost of living crisis. They need help covering increased running costs for food, facilities and frontline staff, as well as winter-specific support for people facing hardship – hot water bottles, blankets, and cold food packs.

Donations will also enable direct support to people through our Help through Hardship helpline and wider financial aid through food banks, as well as additional support to food banks to ensure they navigate this crisis and continue to serve their communities.

To find our more and donate, visit


Practical love for offenders
Langley House Trust

Langley House Trust’s vision is for a crime-free society where no one is disadvantaged or excluded because of their past. They know that God loves each and every one of us and delights in us despite our mistakes. Their Christian mission is to support people who have offended or who are at risk of offending so that they reintegrate into society, live crime-free and thrive. They would love you to support them financially, in prayer or by working for them. This Christmas, they are raising funds to buy Bags of Hope for our clients: a help with the cost of living and a practical demonstration of God’s love.

Find out more at, and donate via Helping people to live crime-free lives.


Sharing the knowledge
Ripple Effect

Christmas is a time of giving and sharing. As we face rising costs, you’ll want to ensure your gifts go even further.

At Ripple Effect (formerly ‘Send a Cow’), Christmas gifts do exactly that. The Feed a Child gift (£9) gives parents the training and tools needed to provide their families with three nutritious meals a day. Those parents then share their skills with their community – creating a ripple of positive change.

Families they work with in rural Africa share what they have and what they know with neighbours and friends. Every gift you buy will be shared with at least three other families. Start your ripple today.

To find out more and donate, visit


Protect every childhood
The Children’s Society

As a teenager, Leila felt powerless and struggled with her mental health. But with The Children’s Society’s support, she found a brighter future.

Thousands of young people are facing the festive season without a way to belong. They’re being locked out of the childhood they deserve, and the cost of living crisis is piling on the pressure. By donating to The Children’s Society, you can make sure children like Leila get the help they need. Together, you’re a powerful community. And, together, you can protect every childhood.

To find out more and donate, visit or phone 0300 303 7000.


Friends in need
Age UK

The festive period can be a difficult and lonely time for many older people. With soaring energy prices and high inflation, this year is set to be even harder.

Age UK’s support services, including its free national advice line, telephone friendship services and network of local charities, become invaluable lifelines for older people who have no one else to turn to. However, Age UK needs urgent funds so they can continue to be there for older people throughout the winter season and beyond.

To find our more and donate, visit or phone 0800 077 8751.

If you need support, phone 0800 169 6565.


This article was published in the December 2022 / January 2023 edition of Reform

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