Here and now: Reuben Watt - Reform Magazine
Reuben Watt is touched by Palestinian generosity
In May, Jo Harris and I, two former URC Youth Assembly Moderators, were given the incredible opportunity to head out to Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory with Christian Aid. This was part of Christian Aid’s Uhambo (meaning ‘journey’) programme, which invited young church leaders (pictured) to See, Judge, Act: something we were challenged to do over the week-long trip.
There are so many things that could be written following the trip, from the visits to the holy sites, or hearing about settlers and their taking over of Palestinian land, to the uncomfortable experience of flying out of Tel-Aviv airport. We can leave all of that for another day.
However, one thing that stood out for many of those on the trip was the amazing hospitality we received through every interaction with the Palestinians. Despite the challenging circumstances they endure daily, Palestinians have managed to preserve their spirit of hospitality, serving as a beacon of hope amid the conflict…
Reuben Watt is a former United Reformed Church Youth Assembly Moderator
This is an extract from an article published in the July/August 2023 edition of Reform
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