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Reform Magazine | October 6, 2024

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The banality of evil and the grandeur of Christ - Reform Magazine

The banality of evil and the grandeur of Christ

Graham Handscomb reflects on the meaning of the cross

When Jesus was arrested, tried and crucified, who abandoned him? Who turned their back? Who chose not to support him?

There are the obvious answers that come quickly to mind. Judas actively betrayed Jesus. The Palm Sunday crowd, who initially shouted ‘Hosanna!’, days later bayed for Jesus’ blood, calling for Barabbas to be released instead of Jesus, and crying ‘Crucify him!’ Peter three times denied even knowing Jesus. He and other disciples failed even to stay awake during Jesus’ lonely prayers in the Garden of Gethsemane, when he was plagued with agonising thoughts of the horrors that lay ahead….

Graham Handscomb is Professor of Education at University College London

Photograph: ©AP / Alamy Stock Photo


This is an extract from an article published in the May 2024 edition of Reform

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