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Reform Magazine | March 12, 2025

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Do stay for tea and coffee: 'I'd forgotten that there on my bookshelf are countless words of inspiration' - Reform Magazine

Do stay for tea and coffee: ‘I’d forgotten that there on my bookshelf are countless words of inspiration’

Lately I’ve spent more money on hospital car parks than I’d like. Yes, we’re in one of those seasons. First came my own kidney issues, then came an ailing parent – entirely unrelated, but such is life. On some days I’d leave one hospital as a patient, to go to another as a visitor. And did I mention the car park charges? Well, if I have to pay twice, I might as well mention it twice.

As a self-employed freelancer, two months of cancelled work has come at a cost – not just monetary, but the enjoyment of doing a job I love. I’ve missed performing. Even motorway traffic has been an underappreciated luxury. When my health improved enough to get back on the road, I felt oddly glad to grind to a halt on the M25 as it allowed more podcast listening time with nowhere else to be…

Paul Kerensa is on tour around the country.


This is an extract from an article published in the September 2024 edition of Reform

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