Songs of Faith: Susan McCoan - Reform Magazine
Susan McCoan shares a hymn of discipleship
You may recognise Susan McCoan’s name as the co-editor of the current URC Prayer Handbook, or from her contributions to the URC’s Daily Devotions Sunday Worship. Did you know she also writes hymns?
Susan, tell us about your early years
I was born and brought up in Sheffield. My brother, sister and I played outdoors a lot, coming home only for first aid and meals. I loved reading – we went to the local library every fortnight. At secondary school I sang in the junior choir, and later joined the church choir where I learnt a repertoire of traditional hymns.
What role has church played in your life?
I was baptised, brought up and confirmed in the Church of England. I lost my faith at university and had no real connection with any church for the next 20 years. A call back to faith led me to St Andrew’s, Iver, Buckinghamshire, the local URC, where they supported my lay training and candidating for ministry. After ordination, I served at Wylde Green URC in Birmingham and then Ealing St Andrew’s (pictured) and Wembley Park in London. I will be retiring in July 2025….
Ana Gobledale is a retired URC minister and Editor of
Susan McCoan is the Minister of St Andrew’s, Ealing, and Wembley Park URCs
This is an extract from an article published in the Issue 1 – 2025 edition of Reform
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