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Reform Magazine | July 17, 2024

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April 2013 Archives - Page 2 of 3 - Reform Magazine

Faith in Action: Karen Openshaw

27/03/2013 |

Karen Openshaw, chaplain for the Oasis academy school in Salford, Greater Manchester

I went to a local evangelical church as a child – twice every Sunday. My parents split up when I was 11, and then my mum got cancer, … Read More

Pope for the future?

27/03/2013 |

Two responses to the appointment of Pope Francis

Out with the old and in with the… old” cracked one Vatican watcher on hearing the news of the election of a 76-year-old Argentinian, the first Jesuit and Latin American to ascend … Read More

Letter from a Birmingham Jail

27/03/2013 |

Fifty years ago this month, Martin Luther King led a peaceful demonstration in Birmingham, Alabama. He was jailed, and criticised by white clergy. He wrote his classic response in the margins of a newspaper. This is an extract

I am … Read More

Reviews – April 2013

27/03/2013 |

Finding God despite dementia

Dementia: Living in the Memories of God John Swinton SCM Press £25

Statistics tell us that more of us are afraid of developing dementia than any other illness, including cancer. We are not afraid of just … Read More

Single Mum: Bidding farewell

27/03/2013 |

This is our last Single Mum column. The story of Sav-and-me has lately divided into two stories – and I am only entitled to own my own. Sav’s documented life in these pages is finished. And so, here is the … Read More

Niall Cooper: Feeling the benefit cuts

27/03/2013 |

April 2013 represents D-day for millions who rely on welfare or tax credits to make ends meet. A raft of cuts and changes to the benefits system will come into force, and the impact will be felt by the poorest, … Read More