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Reform Magazine | July 17, 2024

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February 2013 Archives - Reform Magazine

An act of love?

24/01/2013 |

Gerontologist Professor Malcolm Johnson once opposed assisted dying, but came to believe that the terminally ill should be given a choice. With two new bills in favour of euthanasia due for debate in the UK and Scottish parliaments this year, … Read More

A light on the stairs

24/01/2013 |

Life transitions may happen incrementally or they may creep up and confront us suddenly; either way, they invite us to pause and open ourselves up to the possibility of illumination and grace, says Raymond Tomkinson

Mary asked Michael to change … Read More

Abiding peace

24/01/2013 | 2

In this extract from The Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent Book for 2013, Abiding, Ben Quash reflects on the capacity of Jesus to sleep through a storm

The story of Jesus’s capacity to sleep in the middle of a storm at … Read More

Do I live after death?

24/01/2013 |

A tragic bereavement sent Professor Robert Crawford back to his comparative studies on consciousness and religious belief

One morning last year, I entered my son’s bedroom and got the greatest shock of my life. He was lying on the bed … Read More

Choosing to see

24/01/2013 |

Former Israeli soldier Avner Gvaryahu tells Symon Hill how he came to oppose the occupation of the Palestinian territories

“I really felt that I was joining the army in order to be the good soldier,” says Avner Gvaryahu (pictured). “The … Read More

John Hick and Chris Sinkinson interview: One truth or many?

24/01/2013 |

Marking the first anniversary of the death of the celebrated philosopher of religion John Hick, Justin Brierley presents one of his last recorded debates – with Old Testament and apologetics scholar, Chris Sinkinson

In February 2011 I invited Professor John … Read More