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Reform Magazine | July 17, 2024

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February 2013 Archives - Page 2 of 3 - Reform Magazine

Editorial: “The lamps are many, but the light is one.”

24/01/2013 |

Lately I’ve been getting this (inadequate, obviously) mental image of what the “divine presence” means to me: It’s like the gas and air you may be offered through a pipe when giving birth.

In this vaporous compound is found the … Read More

Unhindering the Soul

24/01/2013 |

Anyone hoping to discover fresh ways of contemplating the human condition during Lent should try reading the reflections of Julian of Norwich, the 14th Century Christian mystic, says Paul Millward

Little is known of the woman who, it is believed, … Read More

Faith in action: Sister Elizabeth Pio

24/01/2013 | 1

Sister Elizabeth Pio, nun at the Sisters of Bethany convent in Southsea, Portsmouth

The fact that I’m a Christian is down to sheer curiosity. About 10 years ago I just got curious as to why people went to church and … Read More

Fair Food

24/01/2013 |

In the run-up to this year’s Fairtrade Fortnight, Mike Gidney explains Fairtrade’s latest thinking on food production for the future

The new year had barely begun before the news agenda made it clear that food was going to be a … Read More

Niall Cooper: Blame: a senseless game

24/01/2013 |

As Julia Unwin, director of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation has written, we face the prospect of a decade of destitution. Food banks are opening across the country, teachers report children coming to school hungry; advice services and local authorities prepare … Read More

Single Mum: Sav’s growing independence

24/01/2013 |

Sav is separating from me. It feels both very bad, some days – and very good. He stays in his room more, stays out longer, stays on the phone, stays with friends. He’s turning into a very tall, mostly quiet, … Read More