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Reform Magazine | July 17, 2024

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June 2013 Archives - Reform Magazine

A good question: Is capitalism broken?

22/05/2013 |

Each month we ask one question, and get four answers. This month: Is capitalism broken?


This article was published in the June 2013 edition of  Reform.

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Editorial: What the hell?

22/05/2013 |

Where did hell go? I’ve been writing an article on the BBC website about the ways hell has been imagined, and it leaves me wondering about how doctrines die. How does it happen that new ideas become obvious, and then … Read More

Francis Spufford interview: Clear Christianity

22/05/2013 |

The writer Francis Spufford discusses with Stephen Tomkins how to talk about Christianity as if it still made sense

Francis Spufford’s book, Unapologetic: Why, Despite Everything Christianity can Still Make Surprising Emotional Sense, is the best book written about Christianity … Read More

Reviews – June 2013

22/05/2013 |

A guide to rethinking the Bible

Chasing an Elusive God: The Bible’s Quest and Ours

Ray Vincent Christian Alternative £12.99


How should we read the Bible – as the authoritative word of God, or as … Read More

Christian activist: Lessons in love

22/05/2013 |

Vivian Palmer shares lessons in love

Sunday morning. Welcome at the door, singing, teaching, and tea and coffee at the end. Does this sound familiar? On Sunday, we enter a church community, but when we go out of the doors … Read More

Chapter & verse: Luke 7: 36-50

22/05/2013 |

‘… He cancelled the debts for both of them. Now which of them will love him more? …’

In the film of the same name, the Star Trek federation and the Klingons drink a toast with echoes of Hamlet: to … Read More