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Reform Magazine | July 17, 2024

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June 2013 Archives - Page 2 of 3 - Reform Magazine

Community-minded: Hope in dandelions

22/05/2013 |

Church-related community workers being scattered across the country, ours can be a very isolated ministry, so we all value the brief time of sharing offered by our annual residential. We come together to reflect on our ministry, hear how various … Read More

On the pilgrim way: Yearning for normality

22/05/2013 |

My heart sank as I walked into church this morning: the chairs were all back to normal. The old straight lines had replaced our semi-circle, carefully arranged to improve the singing and bring the thinly scattered congregation closer together. “Back … Read More

A letter from… Za’atari refugee camp, Jordan

22/05/2013 |

Life is really tough here. It’s hot, dirty, dusty and difficult. By the summer, we hope to be living in proper shelter and not tents.

The conditions in Za’atari refugee camp really are desperate. Besides the allergies, respiratory problems, disabilities, … Read More

Niall Cooper: Look forward in hunger

22/05/2013 |

The Enough Food for All IF campaign was launched earlier this year in response to the growing numbers of people in the world who are experiencing hunger; but the shocking reality is that hundreds of thousands of people are also … Read More

Fallen stars

22/05/2013 |

Thoughts on Operation Yewtree by Jacqueline Laing

It’s a Knock Out, Jim’ll Fix It, and Sunday Night at the Palladium conjure up fond memories of my childhood. Weekends, for churched hermits like us, were the Holy Grail of the TV … Read More

World gone wrong

22/05/2013 |

In a new, three-part series, Lawrence Moore takes a fresh look at sin, forgiveness and confession. First: why sin’s not a personal business

It was 1989 – the year before Mandela was released from prison and the process of dismantling … Read More