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Reform Magazine | July 17, 2024

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March 2013 Archives - Reform Magazine

David Livingstone. Hero or failure?

20/02/2013 |

Britain’s most famous missionary is 200 this month. Stephen Tomkins explores a newly-discovered story

It’s a baptismal service, and all around people are in tears – not from joy or because they are spiritually moved, but from anger and fear.

Their … Read More

Paula Gooder interview: A biblical relationship

20/02/2013 |

Paula Gooder, writer, speaker and scholar, talks to Stephen Tomkins about her friendship with the Bible – warts and all

Paula Gooder brings a wonderful freshness to the Bible. She has the ability to take a story that you’ve known since … Read More

Niall Cooper: Lent: Going deeper

20/02/2013 |

So what are you giving up for Lent? Chocolate, alcohol, or something a little more substantial? For some, the challenge of what to give up is a daily reality, and not just for Lent. The choice is whether to eat … Read More

Chapter & verse: John 3:1-21

20/02/2013 |

In re-reading the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus, “Dislocated exegesis” may be a useful method. This is the practice of reading scripture in unexpected places that may “unsettle” our reading of a familiar text. How about reading this … Read More

A good question: What will the church look like in 40 years?

20/02/2013 |

Each month we ask one question, and get four answers. First: How will the UK church look in 2053?



This article was published in the March 2013 edition of  Reform.

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On doing and being

20/02/2013 |

Any of us can learn to enrich our lives by dispensing with shallow notions of success or failure in the pursuit of something greater, says Jennifer Kavanagh

Success and its frightening shadow, failure, are embedded in our culture. From birth … Read More