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Reform Magazine | July 17, 2024

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May 2013 Archives - Reform Magazine

Christian activist: Let us boycott

24/04/2013 |

Dixe Wills on boycotting

Poor old Charles Cunningham Boycott. While Wellington bequeathed us his rubbery boot, the Earl of Sandwich his portable bread-based victuals, and Molotov his cocktail (writing as one who has made one, let me warn you that … Read More

Growing pains

24/04/2013 |

However much we disagree on how to achieve it, politicians promise the same thing – an economy that grows and grows forever. Jill Segger doesn’t buy it

We do not live by bread alone, nor can we live without it. … Read More

Welcome home?

24/04/2013 |

Discrimination can face us in many ways, in many places. But the first step to tackling it, Mark Argent finds, is to look inside

What does it mean to be welcomed? And what does it mean not to be? While … Read More

Community-minded: Life-affirming celebrations

24/04/2013 |

With such serious economic and social issues to be addressed at the moment, it seems almost heartless to talk about resurrection joy and newness of life. However, we are still in the Easter season, and that is the Gospel message … Read More

On the pilgrim way: Ageing relatives

24/04/2013 |

I am the youngest among all my cousins; and, as I see them up ahead of me in the journey of life, I find myself taking a keen interest in how they are handling growing old. Perhaps I can get … Read More

Niall Cooper: Don’t panic

24/04/2013 |

“Don’t panic! Don’t panic!” Sergeant Jones’ famous refrain would be an apt response to the increasingly strident headlines in recent weeks about the future of the welfare state: “Benefit claimants flooding system”, “The government must reform the welfare state now”, … Read More