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Reform Magazine | July 15, 2024

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October 2014 Archives - Reform Magazine

Skin Conditioned

25/09/2014 |

It’s the colour of privilege and power, so what makes white the hardest colour for white people to see? Michael Jagessar and John Campbell call for a guerrilla war of the mind against imperial theology

For hundreds of years, one … Read More

Interview: Saturday night and Sunday morning

25/09/2014 |

Les Isaac, founder of Street Pastors, talks to Stephen Tomkins

On any given weekend night, amid fights and drunken accidents, there are 2,000 street pastors in the towns and cities of Britain, picking up the pieces. Altogether they are a … Read More

Introducing… Julian of Norwich

25/09/2014 |

In this occasional feature, a contemporary writer introduces a classic thinker.
 This month: David Cornick on Julian of Norwich

Transparency, equality and ecology are amongst the preoccupations of our time; it is because she speaks to each of them that … Read More

A letter from… Uror, South Sudan

25/09/2014 |

A Tearfund representative invites us to meet the children of Uror, South Sudan

“Look at these faces,” I thought, when I arrived in Uror county, South Sudan, last year. “These children are smiling from ear to ear! Yet, you look … Read More

Chapter and Verse: Matthew 22:15-22

25/09/2014 |

Rosalind Selby looks at paying and repaying

The imperial tax debated in this passage was paid on agricultural yield and personal property; it
had been collected on the basis of census registration since Judea came under Roman rule in 6/7CE, and … Read More

Jumble sales of the apocalypse: Gideons Bibles

25/09/2014 |

Simon Jenkins turns to the Gideons Bible

I didn’t know that Gideons Bibles – the ones you find in hotel rooms – are colour-coded, just like tube lines and Daleks. There are red Bibles for school pupils; orange for the … Read More