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Reform Magazine | July 17, 2024

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September 2013 Archives - Reform Magazine

Called to scandal

02/09/2013 |

The stories of two Victorian comic actors inspire more than admiration, as Roberta Rominger discovers

Recently, a series of blue plaques began to appear in the streets around United Reformed Church House, sponsored by our local Marchmont Community Association. This … Read More

The Great Restoration: Part three – confession

02/09/2013 |

If God’s love is unconditional, what are confession and repentance for? Lawrence Moore concludes his series on sin and restoration

A question: What are confession and repentance for? They are not the preconditions to forgiveness, because God’s grace is unconditional. … Read More

God’s country: Rural challenges

02/09/2013 |

Rural churches face special problems. Jerry Marshall reports on three who found innovative solutions

We live in challenging times. The global financial crisis revealed the fragility of our economy and there is growing pressure on our environment and security. Meanwhile, … Read More

A good question: What is the Bible for?

02/09/2013 |

Each month we ask one question, and get four answers. This month: What is the Bible for?


These are extracts from the September 2013 edition of  Reform

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Jenn Ashworth interview: Eternal family

02/09/2013 |

The novelist Jenn Ashworth talks to Stephen Tomkins about Mormons and memories

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints – better known as Mormons – seems a mysterious group to outsiders. Best known for their pairs of besuited … Read More

A letter from… Nigeria

02/09/2013 |

Sister Rita Schwarzenberger talks about her charity work in Nigeria

As I write, it is coming to the end of the dry, dusty season; humidity is building up, ensuring that the flowering trees such as flame of the forest, bougainvillea … Read More