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September 2013 Archives - Page 2 of 3 - Reform Magazine

Christian activist: Combatting Trident

02/09/2013 |

Joanna Frew describes a peaceful protest against nuclear weapons

As we lay there in the sun, surrounded by lush green hedgerows and listening to birdsong, it was hard to keep in mind that behind us, the final assembly of some … Read More

Chapter & verse: Luke 15: 1-2

02/09/2013 |

‘By this time, a lot of men and women of doubtful reputation were hanging around Jesus, listening intently. The Pharisees and religion scholars were not pleased; not at all pleased. They growled: “He takes in sinners and eats meals with … Read More

Niall Cooper: Speak truth to power

02/09/2013 |

Having been brought up a Methodist, I can’t ever quite get away from thinking of September as the start of the New Year. The next 12 (or more precisely 20) months are likely to tell us a lot about what … Read More

Simon Jenkins: Christian pulp testimony

02/09/2013 | 4

One of the first books I read after I became a teenage Christian was Run Baby Run by Nicky Cruz, a gang leader from the streets of New York in the 1960s. It had sex and drugs and rock ’n’ … Read More

Editorial: The sex offender

02/09/2013 |

What is the difference between me and a sex offender? Like the Pharisee in the parable, I’m thankful that I am not like such people, that I’m not on a register and don’t carry that weight of shame and guilt. … Read More

Reviews – September 2013

01/09/2013 |

Finding the True Self

Immortal Diamond: The search for our true self Richard Rohr SPCK £10.99

Father Richard Rohr is a spiritual director of many years’ experience. He has a splendid reputation, holding together the wisdom of different religious traditions … Read More