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Reform Magazine | July 17, 2024

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Commitment-Phobe: Advent challenge, day 15

26/11/2015 |

Today’s Advent challenge is to try to grow our patience. With patience there is room for compassion. With patience there is room for peace… I have a very strong willed infant who is having to take four doses of antibiotics … Read More

Commitment-Phobe: Advent challenge, day 12

26/11/2015 |

I’ve reached the halfway point. Yay! And the seasonal plague is starting to leave my home. I may not have bought many presents or done any of the usual practical Christmas things yet, but I am feeling the spirit of … Read More

Commitment-Phobe: Advent challenge, day 11

26/11/2015 |

On 11 December, the Advent Challenge was focused on switching off from technology and the unnecessary mind-clutter it brings, and instead feeding our minds. The challenges were:

  • Try to have a gadget detox for a few hours today
  • Have a … Read More

Commitment-Phobe: Advent challenge, day ten

25/11/2015 |

Today’s Advent challenge gave me a great sense of fun and satisfaction, which I had not expected. The challenges were about our impact on other peoples lives through our tidiness or through making things easier for others. The options were:

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Commitment-Phobe: Advent challenge, day 8 and 9 II

25/11/2015 |

Day 8

When two thirds of your household become ill and you have no choice but to take on the role of Florence Nightingale there is very little time to think carefully about advent challenges or cooking. I woke up … Read More

Commitment-Phobe: Advent challenge, days eight and nine

25/11/2015 |

A quick note to say that Commitment-Phobe is still alive and kicking, although in need of a good long sleep. Having spent the last two days and nights ministering to sick folk in … Read More