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Reform Magazine | July 17, 2024

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Blog Archives - Page 4 of 9 - Reform Magazine

A letter from… the Jordan Valley

20/12/2013 |

We met a lot of farmers today [Friday]. This is the house of Huzan Drajmeh and his family of six, whose village has the bad luck to find itself in a part of Palestinian territory where Palestinian presence is particularly … Read More

A letter from… Hebron

29/11/2013 |

I’m travelling with Christian Aid to Israel/Palestine, and our first day’s outing was to Hebron, an eerie, desolate place.

It’s a city of two halves. It’s home to 175,000 Palestinians, and since the 1980s 750 Israeli settlers have joined them. … Read More

What’s wrong with this sentence?

04/11/2013 |

From the Mail: “A Christian evangelical pastor is on trial accused of stealing more than $40m from the megachurch he founded to fund his wife’s dreams of being a pop star in the US.”

There’s something about all this that … Read More

And behold, the worst ever Christmas song…

29/10/2013 |

This just in. Hot on the heels of yesterday’s splendid effort in the field of worst Christian CD, we have a new challenger in an equally crowded field, worst Christmas song. You remember Carl Douglas’s 1974 disco hit “Kung Fu … Read More

Get up

24/10/2013 |

An inspirational display on the wall of a church that shall remain nameless. The tree is a letter i, obviously.

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