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Reform Magazine | July 18, 2024

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Charity Advent and Christmas calendar Archives - Reform Magazine

Reform’s Reverse Advent calendar

01/12/2020 |

Christmas is a time, for those of us who can afford it, to put our hands in our pockets. And 2020, when the pandemic has hit charities hard, is a time, for those of us who can afford it, to … Read More

Reverse Advent Calendar 2020: Day 36

01/12/2020 |

All We Can

Let it sew this Christmas! For £31, you can give an Extraordinary Gift and help a teenage mum like Maureen in Uganda to start her own sewing business. Your gift will help provide the training and materials … Read More

Reverse Advent Calendar 2020: Day 16

01/12/2020 |

Embrace the Middle East

Embrace the Middle East is a Christian charity with over 160 years’ experience helping people of all faiths and none to free themselves from a life of poverty and injustice. With £38 we can change lives. … Read More

Reverse Advent Calendar 2020: Day 32

01/12/2020 |

Mission Aviation Fellowship

In these challenging times, many of us are getting first-hand experience of what it means to be isolated. Yet millions of people live so far from roads, education and healthcare that the only way to reach them … Read More

Reverse Advent Calendar 2020: Day 33

01/12/2020 |

Christian Blind Mission

Sight-restoring cataract surgery can take just 12 minutes, but for Lydia, it is truly life changing. ‘I am so happy to see my grandchildren and to be independent again,’ she says.

Your Advent gift could restore sight, … Read More

Reverse Advent Calendar 2020: Day 25

01/12/2020 |

Action for Children

For most of us, the festive season is a happy time. But there are children all over the UK who face a Christmas without food, warmth or love. Coronavirus has had a devastating impact on their lives … Read More