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Reform Magazine | July 15, 2024

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Columnists Archives - Reform Magazine

Chapter & verse: Mark 6:39

03/07/2024 |

Lance Stone walks in green pastures

It is a notable feature of the story of the feeding of the 5,000 that, apart from the resurrection, it is the only miracle that features in all four Gospels. As is usual in … Read More

Here & now: Zeerak Shahbaz

03/07/2024 |

My call was nurtured in the URC, says Zeerak Shahbaz

Moving to England from Pakistan in 2006, at the age of three, I continued my faith journey in a United Reformed Church in east London. I recall attending events with … Read More

Songs of faith: Isaac Watts

03/07/2024 |

In a new column on hymn writers, Ana Gobledale reveals Isaac Watts’ inspiration

When young Isaac Watts was scolded for speaking in rhyme, he smartly replied,‘Oh, Father, do some pity take,and I will no more verses make.’

Watts was a … Read More

On the pilgrim way: ‘A nightingale, its beak wide open, sang its long, complicated and beautiful song’

03/07/2024 |

Sheila Maxey shares holiday photographs

This summer season seems the time for travellers’ tales and photos, and the internet means I am included. A granddaughter and her boyfriend, aged 19, are in southeast Asia for two months. They seem to … Read More

Do stay for tea and coffee: ‘We were sitting in our garden when the sound of guitar-led hymns wafted over the fence’

03/07/2024 |

Paul Kerensa is living the outdoor life

The sun is high and the weather is… well, it’s British summertime, so I wouldn’t be so bold as to guess. But perhaps this time of year, the outside world beckons a little … Read More

Chapter & verse: Mark 4:35-41

03/06/2024 |

Paul Dean recalls choppy sea crossings

After six days of bringing order out of chaos God rested but, even so, to find Jesus asleep on a cushion is surprising. It certainly surprised the disciples in the story of the storm … Read More