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Reform Magazine | July 17, 2024

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Niall Cooper Archives - Page 4 of 8 - Reform Magazine

Niall Cooper: The end of compassion?

28/08/2015 |

Can we trust any politicians to champion the poorest and most vulnerable?

What are we to make of the Conservative government and of Her Majesty’s loyal opposition (aka the Labour party)? Is either party really committed to tackling poverty, protecting … Read More

Niall Cooper Taking sides

26/06/2015 |

There’s more to society than saints and sinners

Are you on the side of saints or sinners? Are you for the “hardworking families” or the “benefit cheats”? You might think that the answer is obvious, but is the world really … Read More

Niall Cooper: Restoring faith in welfare

26/05/2015 |

“It is time to restore social security as
 a core principle”

We all rely on the welfare safety net being there for us if we hit hard times. A functioning safety net, not food handouts, is the true long-term solution … Read More

Niall Cooper: The missing election issues

24/04/2015 |

“What about taxing the windfall profits
 of homeowners?”

As I write, the outcome of the general election is far from clear. So, if a Green/SNP/Plaid Cymru coalition sweeps to power on a joint pledge to abolish inequality within 100 days, … Read More

Niall Cooper: No crime, but punishment

21/04/2015 |

The harsh reality of benefit sanctions

Golda worked for a local charity in Manchester until she was laid off in July 2013 due to funding cuts. As a condition of receiving jobseekers allowance, she was asked to apply for eight … Read More

Niall Cooper: Calling time on tax dodgers

24/02/2015 |

We need a tax dodging law

“Is it realistic to dream of an economy that services everyone, irrespective of wealth?”

If I asked you to share your hope and vision for 2020, what would it be? A land flowing with … Read More