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Reform Magazine | July 17, 2024

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Niall Cooper Archives - Page 6 of 8 - Reform Magazine

Niall Cooper: Lets get down to earth

27/05/2014 |

The awful cost of funeral poverty

Funeral poverty is almost too awful to want to think about, but that is exactly what increasing numbers of people are confronted with when loved ones pass away.

When Emma’s partner died at a … Read More

Niall Cooper: What makes a good society?

28/04/2014 |

What it means to be a “good society” is a fundamental question for all of us. What values underpin a good society? And what can we do as individuals, churches and wider communities to put it into practice locally?

Over … Read More

Niall Cooper: Hope within the wilderness

27/03/2014 |

Finding hope in today’s bleak climate

We live in bleak times, and are bombarded by bad news. At times, we may feel discouraged, hopeless and impotent in the face of spending cuts and rising prices, whose impacts are bearing increasingly … Read More

Niall Cooper: Unite with those in hunger

24/02/2014 |

The Christian tradition of Lent has long been a time to fast, and, by doing so, draw closer to our neighbour and closer to God. This year, we will begin a time of fasting while half a million regularly go … Read More

Niall Cooper: Stand with the destitute

27/01/2014 |

As we enter another “deep midwinter”, thousands of our fellow citizens continue to struggle to afford the basics. If not you, then potentially your neighbour, fellow church member or others in your street, neighbourhood or wider community will be facing … Read More

Niall Cooper: What if God was one of us?

21/11/2013 |

Is it time one of our most beloved and iconic Advent/Christmas traditions – the Nativity scene – had a makeover? Beyond the schmaltz, faux crib, stable and animals, can we really face the fact that God’s was born into a … Read More