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Reform Magazine | July 17, 2024

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Sheila Maxey Archives - Reform Magazine

On the pilgrim way: Looking forwards, and back

01/11/2016 |

There seem to have been a number of milestones in the family in the last few weeks. A grandson turned 18; two granddaughters went to ‘big school’ – one moving from a primary school of 100 to a secondary school … Read More

On the Pilgrim Way: Time to move?

27/05/2016 |

As a child I was proud to have been born “pre-war” because my sisters always talked about “pre-war” as the golden time. However, those of us born shortly before the Second World War also went on – in many cases … Read More

On the Pilgrim Way: Old age isn’t going away

22/04/2016 |

Two-year-old Tanu is screaming with frustration next door: frustration about the things she is rightly not allowed to do, frustration about the things she has not yet got the skills to do. So many limitations! She is in the midst … Read More

On the pilgrim way: “Why can’t I just be simply thankful?”

29/02/2016 |

Sheila Maxey asks why it is hard to be thankful for good health

I am surprised – even a little shocked – that I am finding it difficult to be unreservedly thankful when I have every reason to be so. … Read More

On the pilgrim way: “Beauty and goodness do not always go together”

01/12/2014 |

Sheila Maxey explores an evil piece of history

In October we spent two glorious weeks in the Swabian Alps in
Germany; it is an area of steep, wooded valleys with castles atop the stony outcrops and picturesque villages. The autumn colours … Read More

On the pilgrim way: Over the hill?

25/10/2013 |

Sheila Maxey’s holiday causes her to ask if she’s past it

We are spending two weeks in a canal boat on the Grand Union canal. I have approached this holiday apprehensively. Are we not past it? Is it not time … Read More