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Reform Magazine | July 17, 2024

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Single Mum Archives - Reform Magazine

Single Mum: Bidding farewell

27/03/2013 |

This is our last Single Mum column. The story of Sav-and-me has lately divided into two stories – and I am only entitled to own my own. Sav’s documented life in these pages is finished. And so, here is the … Read More

Single Mum: Stories I never told

20/02/2013 |

I have been writing Single Mum for more than two years now; in fact, from before I was ordained. I can hardly believe how the time has hurried by. Saville, my son, was 14 when I started – and now … Read More

Single Mum: Sav’s growing independence

24/01/2013 |

Sav is separating from me. It feels both very bad, some days – and very good. He stays in his room more, stays out longer, stays on the phone, stays with friends. He’s turning into a very tall, mostly quiet, … Read More

Single Mum: Hymn-singing

20/11/2012 |

I grew up with hymns. I learned to bellow Away in a Manger at about the same age that I memorised Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star – and probably, at that age, they made similar sense. My mother and grandmother used … Read More