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Reform Magazine | July 17, 2024

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December 2013/January 2014 Archives - Page 2 of 3 - Reform Magazine

Simon Jenkins: Do animals go to heaven?

21/11/2013 |

Do animals go to heaven? Will there be mewing and woofing on the streets of the New Jerusalem? Are dogs not just for Christmas, nor life, but for eternity? Theologians have only occasionally bothered their planet-sized brains about this weighty … Read More

A new road for Rome

21/11/2013 |

The radical changes of Pope Francis’ first nine months, by Paul Vallely

It is nowhere near a year since Pope Francis took office, but already he looks set to be a great reforming Pope.

There is more to this than … Read More

What is the Bible for?

21/11/2013 |

A reflection by Ann Conway-Jones

To linger in the mind These words which I command you this day shall be upon your heart

and pass down the generations You shall teach them diligently to your children

Howls of … Read More

Commitment-Phobe: A bad church day

21/11/2013 |

Having decided to move on from atheism, Commitment-Phobe
is touring churches of all denominations to see if she can find God

With any journey of discovery you get ups and downs, obstacles to overcome. And I have hit mine, sooner than … Read More

Chapter & verse: John 1: 14

21/11/2013 |

We’ve got too used to the Gospel. “The Word became flesh” sounds like an ordinary kind of phrase to our ears – nouns and a verb; a beginning and an end; a description of something that happened. We find it … Read More

Editorial: Hope and transformation

21/11/2013 |

For such well-loved stories, the nativities written by Matthew and Luke would have a very hard time at
a creative writing class.

Where’s the dialogue, for a start? Matthew: You don’t give a single word to Mary or Joseph. Luke: Only … Read More