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Reform Magazine | July 15, 2024

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February 2023 Archives - Reform Magazine

Blown up by God

27/01/2023 |

Poet, diversity advocate and heritage buff Jay Hulme talks to Reform about hiding in cathedrals, his life blowing up, and doing interviews with gloves on. He performed at Greenbelt festival in 2022

We have to begin with cathedrals. As I … Read More

Editorial: 100 not out

27/01/2023 |

Only a couple of months ago at Reform, we were celebrating our 50th anniversary. This month, it’s a rather more personal milestone: this is the 100th issue of the magazine I have produced as Editor.

On the one hand, realising … Read More

Reviews February 2023

27/01/2023 |

In God’s name

Holy SpiderDirected by Ali AbassiCertificate 18, 116 minutesReleased 20 January (UK cinemas), 10 March (MUBI)

The year 2000. The Holy City of Mashhad, Iran. Prostitutes are being targeted by a killer who is justifying his crimes with … Read More

Art in focus – February 2023

27/01/2023 |

Christ and the Fishermen, 1998Bagong

Jesus in yellow sunspecs – who knew! I love this picture. Jesus is hanging out with a motley crew of fishermen; the fishing trade going on in the background. Its painter, Bagong Kussudiardja, who … Read More

Do stay for tea and coffee: ‘My radio sitcom idea ground to a halt when I turned on Radio 4 and heard it.’

27/01/2023 |

Paul Kerensa has a new idea, or thinks he does

Occasionally we creative types face a frustrating hurdle. An idea we’ve been lovingly developing appears out there in the world – authored by someone else. That book idea, play idea … Read More

How a church can reach further

27/01/2023 |

A small church is having a big impact through community partnerships, finds Stephen Tomkins

Ten years ago, Roker United Reformed Church, Sunderland, had a Church-Related Community Worker, Helen Stephenson. She saw that the congregation was already engaged with the community … Read More