June 2015 Archives - Reform Magazine
A good question: What happens when I die?
26/05/2015 | ReformEach month we ask one question and get four answers. This month: What happens when I die?
This is an extract from the June 2015 edition of Reform.
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Interview: Silent witness
26/05/2015 | ReformMaggie Ross, the Anglican solitary, talks to Stephen Tomkins about the work of silence
Maggie Ross was five when she entered her first church, Washington Cathedral, and it had an impact on her that changed her life. As an adult, … Read More
You have to read this
26/05/2015 | ReformThere’s nothing like sitting in the summer sun, with a glass of the local brew and a good book. Well, I’m afraid there’s not much we can do about the weather, and you’re on your own as far as the … Read More
The eternal question: Why?
26/05/2015 | ReformWhen disaster strikes, we find ourselves battling with the impossible question: Why? Ian Gregory looks for an answer
Hidden among the flowers at the crematorium is a pathetic, screamed note that just asks the terrible question: “WHY?” What happened? Was … Read More
Christian Activist: Sage and solidarity
26/05/2015 | Reform“We heard of olive trees being cut down, threats with guns, police inaction, demolitions”
Jabril, a quietly-spoken 50-year-old shepherd has received two “stop work orders”. These are official Israeli documents saying he must stop building his residences – basically two walled … Read More
Chapter & verse: Mark 4:35-41
26/05/2015 | Reform“Heaving water topples them into the terrifying dark. All is lost. Almost”
I paint. And I have a growing series of paintings of Bible stories seen from the air, inspired by the breathtaking photographs we so often see. Whole cities … Read More
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