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Reform Magazine | July 15, 2024

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June 2018 Archives - Reform Magazine

Jesus in the trenches

29/05/2018 |

Geoffrey Studdert Kennedy, aka Woodbine Willie, first published his reflections from the trenches 100 years ago. In this edited extract, he questions the Almighty

Geoffrey Studdert Kennedy was a British chaplain in the First World War. He earned the nickname … Read More

I am… a Windrush generation immigrant

29/05/2018 |

Catherine Ross on being part of the Windrush generation

I am a black Caribbean, born on the sunny island of St Kitts in 1951. I left my island home at seven years old to settle in England, and was one … Read More

A good question: Is Britain unwelcoming?

29/05/2018 |

One question, four answers


These are extracts from an article that was published in the June 2018 edition of  Reform

To read the full article, subscribe to Reform




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Commitment-Phobe: Trial by fire

29/05/2018 |

A worship leading trial by fire

I survived my trial by fire as a worship leader. When I realised that there was no one to play instruments, I thought I was going to have to lead a whole service a … Read More

Chapter & verse: Acts 2:42 

29/05/2018 |

Susan Durber asks: what is an apostolic church?

I keep coming across that verse from Acts 2, and the passage that follows, about the early Church. My own congregation, with our local Methodist church, has been reading Holy Habits by … Read More

Jumble sales of the apocalypse: Worship screensaver mode

29/05/2018 |

Simon Jenkins tackles worship screensaver mode

I was speaking in church recently, and was just hitting peak preach – a bit like the thundering of Niagara Falls after a few weeks of heavy rain – when I made the error … Read More