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Reform Magazine | July 15, 2024

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March 2021 Archives - Page 2 of 3 - Reform Magazine

Digging deeper

01/03/2021 |

Naison Hove has found getting water in a dry place harder than expected

Naison Hove is working to make life a bit easier for his home village in Zimbabwe, but it is turning out to be harder than expected. To … Read More

A life in fair trade

01/03/2021 |

Louise Mabbs looks back on 40 years promoting fair trade

As a teenager in the 1970s, I attended an interdenominational youth fellowship in Wirksworth, Derbyshire, led by Rod and Pauline Higham. Wirksworth was a politically and socially active community, and … Read More

Art in Focus – March 2021

01/03/2021 |

KintsugiPottery, powdered gold

Broken tea bowl? Disaster! But wait. Look more closely. Those cracks are filled with gold.

This is an example of the ancient Japanese tradition of Kintsugi – the art of repairing broken pottery with lacquer dusted or … Read More

Chapter & verse: Matthew 11:29

01/03/2021 |

John Swinton commends doing small things with great love

Mother Theresa once observed: ‘In this life, we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love.’ Doing small things with great love is to allow our … Read More

Commitment-Phobe: Hard fast

01/03/2021 |

I’m not sure what this fasting is for

With Lent coming, I thought I would reflect on fasting and maybe make a plan. I am not a particularly disciplined person. I do not stick to a routine easily, even for … Read More

Here & now: Helen Glasse

01/03/2021 |

Helen Glasse begins teaching assistant work in lockdown

Early In January 2020, I started working as a teaching assistant in a primary school, before Covid-19 had become a problem even in Wuhan, let alone here. Well, what a year! I … Read More