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Reform Magazine | July 16, 2024

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March 2021 Archives - Page 3 of 3 - Reform Magazine

Where all that plastic goes

01/03/2021 |

While westerners try to cut down on their plastic habit,we hear from three Tanzanians who live with its impact

Johnson Pita, plastic collector

I live in Kigogo, near Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and I work collecting bottles. I wake up … Read More

My DIY pilgrimage

01/03/2021 |

Prevented by lockdown from making a planned pilgrimage to Cluny Abbey, Dixe Wills decided to make up his own pilgrimage destination

‘Ah yes, there it is!’ Weary of foot, cold of limb, and with face blasted by a scouring westerly, … Read More

Digging deeper

01/03/2021 |

Naison Hove has found getting water in a dry place harder than expected

Naison Hove is working to make life a bit easier for his home village in Zimbabwe, but it is turning out to be harder than expected. To … Read More