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Reform Magazine | July 15, 2024

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October 2015 Archives - Reform Magazine

Jean still loves us

25/09/2015 |

The story of what Sue Dowell lost, and what she learned, when her friend sailed into the darkness of Alzheimer’s disease

I was somewhat taken aback when Anna, my four-year-old granddaughter, announced: “I don’t like Jean any more”. A retired … Read More

Interview: Preach it!

25/09/2015 |

Timothy Keller, preacher, writer and church planter, talks to Stephen Tomkins

Timothy Keller founded Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan in 1989, with 50 members; it now has 5,000 in three congregations. In 2001, he started the church planting programme, Redeemer … Read More

A good question: Is my identity God-given?

25/09/2015 |

One question, four answers



This is an extract from the October 2015 edition of Reform.

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Commitment-Phobe Who am I?

25/09/2015 |

Quitting the day job is hard work

In an attempt to stop, pause and reflect, I decided to simplify my life. I felt that God was calling me to step into an unknown space and find an answer. So I … Read More

How to be a 
dementia-friendly church

25/09/2015 | 1

There are 850,000 people with dementia living in the UK – a figure increasing by 15,000 a year.
 Rosie Barker and Louise Morse offer advice on creating a welcoming environment

Spiritual support is vital for Christians who develop dementia. Their … Read More

A letter from… Arctic Village, Alaska

25/09/2015 |

Princess Daazhraii Johnson writes from the Arctic

The sound of an animal crying carries across the lake – it’s more of a howl, actually – and I say to Chief Galen Gilbert: “Zhoh?” (“Wolf?”) To my untrained ears it sounds … Read More