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Reform Magazine | July 19, 2024

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Reverse Advent Calendar Archives - Page 6 of 7 - Reform Magazine

Reverse Advent and Christmas calendar 2019

01/12/2019 |

Christmas isn’t Christmas unless it involves giving to people who can’t give back. Anything else is just swapping, really.

So it’s time for Reform’s reverse Advent calendar. Every day you put aside some money, let’s say £1, and at the … Read More

Reverse Advent Calendar 2019: Day One

01/12/2019 |

Christian Blind Mission

Your gift this Advent could restore sight for someone living in one of the world’s poorest communities, transforming their life for ever. £36 could fund cataract surgery and transport to hospital for a grandmother like Salomé and … Read More

Reverse Advent Calendar 2019: Day Seven

26/11/2019 |

Mission Aviation Fellowship

Last year, MAF carried out 1,240 medical evacuations worldwide; responding to childbirth, conflict injuries and other emergencies where ambulances and paramedics cannot reach. At MAF, we believe nothing should stop people from receiving the love of God … Read More

Reverse Advent Calendar 2019: Day Six

26/11/2019 |

All We Can

What would your life be like, without the convenience of a safe, secure and sanitary toilet? For many of us, this question is unthinkable – but for vulnerable families living in rural Zimbabwe, life without a toilet … Read More

Reverse Advent Calendar 2019: Day Four

26/11/2019 |

The Bible Reading Fellowship

Every year The Bible Reading Fellowship’s (BRF) creative programmes and ministries – Anna Chaplaincy for Older People, Barnabas in Schools, Holy Habits, Living Faith, Messy Church and Parenting for Faith – impact many thousands of lives … Read More

Reverse Advent Calendar 2019: Day Three

26/11/2019 |

Age UK

Later life can bring many challenges, such as coming to terms with a bereavement or becoming a carer for a loved one, yet more than 2.5 million older people feel they have no one to turn to for … Read More