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Reform Magazine | July 18, 2024

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crcw Archives - Reform Magazine

Community stories: Rosie Buxton

01/12/2020 |

Continuing a series hearing from Church-Related Community Workers, Rosie Buxton tells the story of creating financial inclusion in Huddersfield

Church-related community work (CRCW) is about meeting people in whatever their situation and enabling networks to develop. Church-Related Community Workers are … Read More

Community stories: Marie Trubic

23/10/2020 |

In the first of a series hearing from Church-Related Community Workers, Marie Trubic tells the story of a community hall in Glasgow

The local MSP came to see our community hall at Priesthill United Reformed Church, Glasgow, and asked me: … Read More

A different kind of minister

23/10/2020 |

For more than 30 years, the United Reformed Church has been training and deploying a different kind of minister, not quite like anything in other churches: Church-Related Community Workers. As Reform begins a series talking to them about their work, … Read More